Suffering Sunday

Question: Why must good, innocent, lovable people suffer??

Answer: I don’t know, but if they’re hot looking pro wrestlers, I’m fine with it!

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3 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. Stay Puft says:

    Wow, is that Matt Striker foaming at the mouth? Between that and the “mighty have fallen” image (I thought it was Brody Steele at first, but the tattoos don’t match up), this has been one heck of a Suffering Sunday!

  2. GAZZA says:

    Wow i love the foaming of the mouth pic,,, MORE MORE MORE 😉

  3. MARC says:

    The “Mighty Have Fallen” pic is that of a British wrestler by the name of SEAN “THE HAMMER” DAVIS. Incredible looking man and usually suffers a little bit of a beating in a match, only in the end to work his victim over and in pinning him, PLANTS HIS BOOT TO THE GUYS CHEST….AND PROCEEDS TO FLEX, AS HE STANDS ABOVE HIM. Check him out guys……..he is what I call “BEEF with a WOOF!