I’ve been having some technical difficulties with this blog platform. The latest headache is a change in my Chrome browser that is making it harder to pull up my URL (which begins with “http:”) rather than the more-modern “https:” which is Chrome’s new default.
My tech support has been warning me for years that I need to migrate my website to a new PHP7 server with SSL, but I don’t know what any of that means and I’m sure it’ll be a complex, time-consuming process — more than I want to deal with at this point in my life.

Beyond my technical issues, I’m a little bored of the long narrative format used in this classic style of Blogging. I’m not sure if you (my loyal readers) are enjoying it any more either. It’s hard for me to tell how many humans are reading and liking my articles. Only a handful of viewers post comments — and they’re generally very positive — but I think other platforms would encourage more interaction (with the Likes and the Follows and the Hashtags) and more awareness on my end of how popular (or not) each posting is.

So I’ve been doing some thinking, and soul-searching, and shopping around for a new home. I think I’m going to begin using the newTumbl site. It isn’t the most popular or full-featured social media option, but it offers some great benefits:
- It’s free — whereas I currently pay for the server where I upload all my images
- It allows adult content — not that I post a ton of sexually explicit images, but I might. We learned that some porn-buster algorithms mislabel (or correctly label?) pro wrestling images as smut.
- It’s pretty easy to use — although I will pivot to shorter, more frequent quick posts, fewer images per post, less long sentences, etc.

To introduce you to newTumbl, all images in today’s article were recently uploaded by other wrestling bloggers on newTumbl (with my usual captions added to each image). By the way, even though newTumbl is a takeoff of the Tumblr site, newTumbl does not have an “r” on the end.

I actually found the following image on newTumbl which is one of my own creations from a match review I wrote back in June 2020. This encourages me that I’ll be welcome in my new virtual neighborhood:

So I just opened a newTumbl blog and posted my first images at: https://wrestlingarsenal.newtumbl.com/.
There will be a lot more coming as I figure it out. I will probably post some more articles here too as I make this transition — but this WordPress site is getting ready to tap out. Come and join me on newTumbl if you want — you will need to create a free account. Follow me, Like some of my posts so I know you’re still out there.

hey buddy –
i check and read your blog daily and i’m definitely guilty of not commenting but i love your content. I just signed up for nT and followed you. It will be nice to have a quick and easy “like” format. Your rassle brain brother, trunksandboots.
Thanks for going with me over to the new platform and for Liking a bunch of my posts there. Now you can also start posting some “trunks and boots” images for our viewing pleasure!
I also visit often, but don’t express my appreciation as much as I could and should. While I agree with much of your reasoning for the move, I hope you don’t lose your amazing archive in the process. By the way, I appreciate your ruminations on the erotic psychology of wrestling, so I hope you occasionally continue to engage in such on your new home.
I’m signed up!! This is the QUINTESSENTIAL wrestling blog and I’m NOT going to miss any new posts!!
MUUUUUUUCH Appreciated!
I’ll follow you wherever you blog. You’ve been a terrific source for me and try to comment frequently. Best of luck!’
Thanks ButchAngel (and everyone else going with me over to newTumbl.). I am glad to hear you appreciate the longer narratives analyzing all the homoerotic sub-text in the matches. I will keep writing some long form analysis – newTumbl lets you write as much as you want I believe. The beauty is, I will be able to see how many people are Liking and Reposting so I will have a sense of what my readers like best. Regarding my archive, it costs me like $100 a year for the server but I will pay it for 2022 and maybe see if I can raise $100 annually thru PayPal donations or a GoFundMe or whatever moving forward.
Like ButchAngel I’m also an avid reader of this website and enjoy that you try to figure out what about wrestling makes you tick. I understand your reasoning for moving to newtumbl. I like the longer format here but rarely leave a comment. I have to believe there are plenty others like me out there. Trust me even if we can’t click a like button, we absolutely appreciate the efforts you put into this.
PS I think you’d be able to easily raise the funds to keep that impressive archive online. Only one way to find out 🙂
I certainly have been lurking for a number of years now with occasional posts, and while I’ve not got a new tumble account I don’t see why I shouldn’t make another, especially for quality content :p Might just see if I can post stuff from there to my own tumblr too!
I’d love to see some more wrestling content, so I say go for it!
First-time commenter here, just recently discovered your blog (ironically I’m getting into the WordPress game in order to migrate *off* of social media). But I may just give newtumbl a try if it means keeping up with your content. For what it’s worth, your longer analyses are really interesting, and I hope that the new platform ends up drawing in even more readers to the great work you’ve been doing.
Welcome to WordPress. If you will post about pro wrestling or fighting, let us know where your content ends up being posted so we can follow you.
Long time follower here … for a decade at least.
I love your long form articles, match reviews and insights… your blog is the best thing to happen to rasslin’ kink since the old “Apter” mags.
I will have to give the new site a look.
Too bad you’re leaving so soon after it seems like you conquered the bots.
Thanks for all the work here!
…and Danny Dugan in that first pic is always drool worthy!
natureboy95.tumblr.com is the place 🙂 Admittedly it does double duty of sorts, from noon to the 4 o’clock hour are guys I just find hot, then from 5 to the 9 o’clock hour is more wrestling focused posts, but still 🙂
Add me to the list of people who read your blog regularly but don’t comment enough. Been following for many years and love your insights. I appreciate your longer posts, but I completely understand that it would be less satisfying without more tangible feedback. I’ll certainly give the newtumbl a shot for you. I also would gladly pitch in some money to help maintain the archive of articles you’ve written over the years. It would be such a shame to lose all of that fantastic content!
Thanks JR for going with me over to newTumbl and for Liking a bunch of my posts there. I am willing to continue writing longer posts digging into the details, sub-text, and ring psychology — newTumbl supports long narratives. I’m now learning that quite a few readers are interested in my rambling commentary. Thanks for offering to help cover my server fees — I have no problem with paying 2022 and will reach out for help before ever pulling the plug on the archives.