Fantastic Punishment

fantastic1One of my loyal readers sent me a donation (thanks dude!) and requested a gallery of Japanese wrestling.  Specifically he wants to see the great Akiyama Jun who appears at the right of this image in his trademark blue trunks and white boots with blue accents.

I always love seeing the Fantastics in action (especially Tommy Rogers — woof!) so I decided to blog about this Tag Team match from 1995.

fantastic2It’s always interesting to see the Fantastics wrestle in Japan because these normally rule-abiding Fan Favorites portray cruel, powerful Heels when in Japan, beating up all the cute young Japanese tag teams.

If you think Tommy Rogers is a turn-on as a Good Guy, you should see him playing the ruthless hard-ass!


THIS is how you over-power the opponent.

THIS is how you over-power the opponent.

The fun begins when the Fantastics take control over Akiyama with this Gut-Punch Suplex.  The story of the bout is that Akiyama is not violent or cruel enough, not potent enough, to succeed against these aggressive Americans.  Akiyama had attempted a Suplex only to be slugged in the belly, enabling Tommy to gain the upper hand and deliver the Suplex.

Perfect timing -- the Fantastics are highly effective ring technicians.

Perfect timing — the Fantastics are highly effective ring technicians.

Was that a botch, or did they intend to fuck up this poor kid's face?

Was that a botch, or did they intend to fuck up this poor kid’s face?

And here is where they bloody Akiyama’s lip.  Bobby whips the kid across the ring, right into Tommy’s Flying Face-Buster.  The crowd is outraged by this cruelty!



Again they bust his lip, like sharks tasting blood in the water.

Again they bust his lip, like sharks tasting blood in the water.

The Fantastics take advantage of Akiyama’s busted lip to show off brutal Heel tactics.  Here Tommy holds the fan favorite by the hair so Bobby can jump off the ring apron and wallop him.  It really is wonderful ring psychology as they brutally scratch, punch, and kick the poor Baby-Face to keep that blood flowing.


My favorite moment was probably when Bobby had Akiyama bent backwards over the middle rope, clawing away at his bloody lip.  Then Tommy struts over, looking angry and mean, and steps his white boot on the poor dude’s face.  Wow Tommy Rogers — you are amazing as a Bad Ass!

fantastic12fantastic14Thanks again for your donation, I hope you enjoyed this Akiyama tribute.  I know you probably wanted to see your boy dominating and kicking ass, but I have a thing for seeing cocky American wrestlers go to Japan and outrage the audience with their evil actions, so this is what you get.  I hope it won’t stop you from thinking of me next Christmas when you’re in a giving mood!

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One Response to Fantastic Punishment

  1. Phil. says:

    Great gallery. Thanks so much. I love to see Akiyama both ways…..heel and face. You’re still on my list for XMAS 2017. Have a grand New Year.