I Have Met The Enemy

Here is a nice little match that pitted handsome face-man, Brian Adias, against a mysterious masked man from Parts Unknown who calls himself “El Diablo” — The Devil.  Brian wasn’t the most ripped wrestler or especially creative with his rasslin moves, but he filled out his trunks nicely, had an attractive, pouty face, and was Kerry Von Erich’s classmate, so he was a mainstay in the Von Erich federation for years.  He alternated between being a friend and bitter enemy of the Von Erich family, which provided some nice Southern Gothic drama on the Texas wrestling scene.

In this match, his opponent is dressed in similar gear: dark blue trunks and white boots.  He also has a similar physique, although a bit beefier than Brian.  It’s almost like Brian is wrestling against himself.  This reminds me of that scene from a Star Wars movie, where Luke is being training by Yoda, and goes into a cave and fights Darth Vader, and cuts off Darth Vader’s head, only to reveal it was himself under that mask.  Can young Brian Adidas be as successful as young Luke Skywalker in his battle against the master of evil?

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