Fire Broken

Chip looks tuff, but looks can be deceiving.

A Tumblr site I follow called Squash Arena (aka Bodybuilder Jobbers) recently posted two fantastic galleries (parts 1 and 2) featuring images from a classic match between Firebreaker Chip — shown here in red suspenders — and the ravishing one, Rick Rude.  I want to talk more about my feelings for Firebreaker Chip, so I’ve borrowed the blogger’s animations, hope he doesn’t mind.

Get to the floor where you belong!

I always appreciated this beefy muscle jobber — also known as Curtis Thompson — for his thick physique (those shoulders, damn!) and cute face.  He was also very submissive, which is a turn on.

Rude wants to establish his superior power early on, so he tosses Chip out of his ring.  And when Chip tries to resist falling to the floor, Rude just kicks the chump square in the fuckin chest — nice!

Why limit the jobber abuse to the confines of the ring?

The tagline of the Bodybuilder Jobbers Tumblr site is: “Where big cocky muscled bodybuilders enter the ring and become squirming groaning worthless jobbers.

This definitely sums up the domination we’re witnessing in these great animations as Rude follows the red-clad stud out to the floor, hoists him up by the ass, and slams his throat across the ringside railing.

I believe the wrestling character, Firebreaker Chip, was created to play off the sex appeal of those firefighter beefcake calendars that became popular in the early 1990s.  Remember when actual firemen (hopefully with nice abs) would put on their bulky pants and boots, maybe smear dirt or oil on their bare torsos, and pose provocatively to raise money for charity?

The calendars were popular because they celebrated Real Men — blue collar guys from Anywhere USA who work with their hands, willing to spring into action to rescue us.

The photos had a homo-erotic flavor because the men were posed together shirtless (much like pro wrestlers) with no females in the mix.  They’d hold big phallic tools — hoses, wrenches, axes (in this case, a broom).  The fire-safe pants, the big helmets, were used to authenticate their masculinity.  Nothing says Real Man like going into a burning building to fight a fire (except perhaps going into a ring to fight another man.)

I’m not sure if these calendars are still produced — I think FDNY still does one.  Probably, many firemen, more cynical these days, came to realize it’s kinda gay to be seen cavorting shirtless with your co-workers.

Rude continues to cavort shirtless with Chip.

The firefighters from the calendars were icons of masculinity and strength, but Firebreaker Chip was definitely not.  He was the ultimate muscle jobber, a perennial loser (despite his swole physique) to more powerful dudes like Rude.

Chip’s overt masculinity, with his thick muscles and thick fire-retardant pants (see image #1 above), emphasized Rude’s power, because Rude is seen easily manhandling the firefighter — dominating this paragon of bravery and heroism.

Chip seems to get his waistband yanked a lot.

Here is how the blogger who uploaded these images described the action:  “Beefy, thick, muscly Firebreaker Chip is built like a heel and dressed in colors of a winner. But appearance is all he is. He is yet another bodybuilder jobber.

Despite his size, Firebreaker Chip is easily manhandled by the ruthless heel. Beefy Chip suffers beautifully, doesn’t he?

With those muscles, you'd think Chip would put up SOME fight!

Part 2 of the Firebreaker Chip series ends with Rude executing this gorgeous Body-Slam, again demonstrating his own strength by owning the bodybuilder.  But we don’t see Chip actually being pinned…

Could this mean there will be a Part 3 to this series with more hot animations of Chip experiencing the rude awakening that his muscles are useless??   Let’s hope so — but great job so far.  To see more scenes that I didn’t post here, check out the Squash Arena site.

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