Project Doughboy: I Like White Tights Too, 2 of 2

A recent image here on the Wrestling Arsenal blog featured the caption “I like white tights.” That’s a sentiment with which I wholeheartedly agree! It also compels me to ponder just what it is about that sheer, shiny, snug fabric that—when worn by my favorite jobbers and Doughboys—leaves me a bit weak-kneed…

(The images that follow feature wrestler Andrew Turner.  Though not by definition a jobber, he certainly looks the part—in particular, when stuffed into those sheer, white tights.  And as he demonstrates in the pictures that follow, he can job with the best of them!)


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3 Responses to Project Doughboy: I Like White Tights Too, 2 of 2

  1. RayAtL says:

    Hey doughboy, I would like to know the link for the match these screen caps came from … Seems like it would be worth a look! Thanks, Ray

  2. MIKE says:

    Yep. I HAVE to agree with you on this: husky, hunky , beefy-thighed doughboys, who’ve been painfully squeezed inside of snug, white tights, truly ARE a thing of beauty! During the course of a long, ‘heated’, wrestling match, WHITE does SUCH a poor job at concealing sexy man-sweat; especially in a wrestler’s musky ‘ASS CRACK’ and ‘TAINT’ areas!

    The seated, mustache-sporting Clifton brother had quads for DAYS! It’d be a dream to have found oneself on a wrestling mat, inextricably trapped between those ‘MARVELOUSLY’ muscular THIGHS of his! (Honestly though…who’d’ve been actively seeking an escape from such a pleasurable position?)

  3. D.W. says:

    Thanks for the comments!
    Here’s a link to that bout featuring Andrew Turner:
    As I mentioned in the blog entry, Turner might not necessarily be considered a jobber, in that he dominates the match for the most part. Still, his appearance, with his hefty spare tire and stuffed, as he is, in those white tights, makes me regard the guy as an ideal Doughboy.
    Regarding the Clifton brothers; true, regarding the seated fellow’s impressive quads. But, in my view, his “marvellous” sibling, standing on the left side of the photo, is perfection in white tights.