Smashing Elbows

Dolph Ziggler uses this move where he stands over his fallen opponent, then leaps up into the air just as high as he can (which is pretty damn high), then swings his elbow down like a weapon as he crashes like a ton of bricks down onto his victim’s ribs.  I just love the violent look of this attack — and Ziggler is so agile and intense when he does it.

Of course the innovator of the big Elbow Drop off the top rope was the late Randy Savage.  I was never a huge Savage fan (I think it was the odd, gravely voice) but I did get off on the sadistic, merciless nature of his deadly Flying Elbow.

Below are a few more images of picture perfect Elbow Smashes.  Ziggler’s revival of this classic move reminded me that I love to see it.

It’s such a dick move really, to see another man down on the mat, helpless and ripe for the pin.  Rather than finish him off, you jump up and then crash down on him, clobbering the poor dude with your big hard elbow.  The most entertaining of Heels will get up and do it again.  And then a third time.  I just dig the sheer brutality of it.

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One Response to Smashing Elbows

  1. Stay Puft says:

    Oh Rude. Why that hair…?