Muscle Worship

Here is a fun squash match I saw on YouTube featuring this muscle-man — Superstar Billy Graham — one of the strongest and most muscular wrestlers of his day.

Back in 1977 when this match occurred, big bulging muscles were not as commonplace in the wrestling ring as today, so the sight of a rare muscle stud like Graham was awe inspiring — the powerful body was celebrated and put on proud display.

To draw our attention to the gorgeous physique on this big sexy stud, his flamboyant (gay?) manager, the Grand Wizard, begins to apply oil all over his big arms and wide back. They just pause the whole show and spend a few minutes muscle worshiping the big man’s hard body!

This homo-erotic scene is meant to inspire muscle worship in the audience as we watch the creepy Wizard rubbing his hands lovingly (or “gingerly”) all over the spectacular male’s body.

Vince McMahon is the commentator and he is clearly in awe of this man’s big physique, enjoying every minute of this rub-down which he describes in mouth-watering detail:

Look at that bronze body!  The Adonis-like physique possessed by Superstar Billy Graham.  Twenty-three inches around that bicep I’m told. Extraordinary power!  Graham very proud of his physique — as well he should be.

You can tell McMahon has a boner for these big muscles.  His verbal masturbation continues as he mentions how this lube job is “pleasurable” for the Wizard.

And there is the bicep of Graham.  Now the left upper arm being rubbed so gingerly by the Grand Wizard.  Superstar accustomed to being pampered.

Describing the act of applying body oil to those big muscles as “pleasurable” for the Grand Wizard further eroticizes this scene.   Graham is presented as the Ideal Male — the picture of masculine strength and power we should all aspire to and/or worship.  Vince McMahon has always loved the look of gargantuan bodies, and he knew that the spectacle of over-developed physiques in action would sell, would excite the muscle-worshiping audience.  And so he has made a fortune by  delivering for us increasingly spectacular bodies — bigger, stronger, more stunning Males every year for over thirty years.

We are over 4 minutes into this 9-minute video clip, and the wrestling still has not begun!  Instead we’ve watched the big man flex as his “bronze physique” is rubbed down by the horny Wizard, his flesh coated in warm, glistening oil as our anticipation for some man-on-man wrassling increases.  And neither the Wizard, the Superstar, nor Mr. McMahon are in any hurry for it to end.  We get the sense they’d be happy to cancel the wrestling and just spend the afternoon worshiping muscle.

Finally the wrestling begins and of course the powerful Superstar easily manhandles his wimpy victim who has been apparently “destroyed psychologically” by having to watch Graham being oiled up.  The soft-bellied chump is run across the ring and spiked in the corner pads, thrown around like a sack of trash, and even whipped out of the ring to roll around on the dirty floor.

For you young wrestling fans, this is one of those “Squash Jobs” you may have heard about.  There will be no significant offense from the jobber, so you may as well sit back and enjoy his suffering.

Graham snaps the chump back inside the ropes and proceeds to kick him in the head. We get the sense the big man really wants to hurt this jobber just for being so wimpy, for wearing bright red briefs and white boots.

I like how whenever he picks this jobber up, he doesn’t just hold his neck.  No, he digs in to that mop of hair with both fists, really getting his fingers entangled in those thick curls before yanking the bitch to his feet.

Some of you young fans may be wondering, what is the point of a squash match?  Everybody knows who is going to win, so where is the excitement and suspense?

I’ll try to explain it:  the point of a squash match is to enjoy and celebrate the power of a hyper-masculine stud, to revel in his muscular dominance, to get off on the strength, sexual potency, and power of a dominant Male.  Watching him absolutely manhandle and punish the helpless, pudgy sissy in the red trunks is a turn-on.  Rather than being bored or disappointed by a Squash Match, many fans actually prefer them.

Vince McMahon clearly understands the appeal of watching a Strong Man domimate his outmatched opponent. We get the sense that Graham may be performing solely for McMahon’s pleasure, flexing his biceps for the Boss, knowing full well that the Boss gets off on that sort of thing.  That’s job security for sure.

As the Superstar begins to wrench on the weaker man’s neck (flexing his big biceps under the bright lights to show his power), McMahon notes breathlessly that he could “rip the bumper off a Mac truck.” We get the sense that McMahon may have his trousers down around his ankles there under the announcer’s table.

The climax of the match occurs when Graham uses his “python-like” arms to crush the remaining fight out of the soft-bellied jobber.  Back in 1977, a man could still win a match by Bearhugging his victim chest to chest — those were magical times!  The emphasis was on the power of the spectacular Male, able to crush other men into helpless submission against his chest.  GRRR!

The jobber submits, the ref, calls for the bell, but Graham is not done hugging this punk.  He keeps squeeeeezing as the jobber goes limp in his arms.  Those powerful muscles we’ve been hearing about all match are really being put to good use. The Superstar treats his boss, and us, to an exciting demonstration of masculine power.

McMahon tries to sound outraged and disgusted by the big man’s cruel tactics, but you can tell from the excitement in his voice that he’s actually enjoying the prolonged Bearhug very much:

Let him down!  There’s no sense in this.  Graham’s already defeated Ted Adams.  What could he hope to accomplish — what could he hope to gain — by continuing to apply the pressure in the small of the back of  Adams?!

Superstar Graham was ahead of his time, the first of the big, muscular Heel studs, and the fans weren’t sure how to react to him.  Of course everyone was supposed to hate the Heel, but when he looks this buff and strong, the audience was inclined to worship him instead.  So the promoters weren’t sure how to present and market Graham at that time — a Heel that everybody loved and lusted for.  THIS was why his reign as Champion had to come to an end, why he had to surrender the title to Baby Face Backlund.  He was too worshiped by the audience to be considered an effective Heel.

You can watch this match on YouTube.

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