Suffering Sunday

CM Punk is great at suffering because his body looks so breakable.

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4 Responses to Suffering Sunday

  1. MARC says:

    Gotta Love Sunday’s….Especially those that SUFFER !! It allows the many of us who Tune In every week, to look at every picture posted, and In our own Thoughts, try and Imagine just what kind of Punishment took place, to land the Suffering One, just where he is. Ahh, The Mind is a wonderful Tool.

  2. ELS says:

    Does anyone know who the hot passed out guy in long pants is? 5th picture 🙂

  3. ELS says:

    Any one know who the hot guy in the 5th picture is? the guy in long pants 🙂

  4. Stay Puft says:

    Or the guy in white under the CM Punk picture?