Brief Workout

I stumbled upon this interesting little video on YouTube, featuring pro wrestler Kyle O’Reilly bouncing on a trampoline wearing nothing but blue bikini underwear.

Kyle is lamenting the fact that he wasn’t chosen to wrestle against his pal and mentor, Davey Richards, in the next show.  But he still needs to stay in shape, thus he is trampoline bouncing.

Next, Davey Richards enters the scene, also nearly naked in skimpy underwear.  Davey expresses his desire for Kyle to attend his next match — he really wants Kyle to be there supporting him.

Kyle, however, complains that he is “not booked” to be in the show and he doesn’t want to hang around backstage like some loser who is only there to watch the other men perform.

OK, let’s pause right here for a moment.  What is going on in this video?  I have a lot of unanswered questions…

  1. Where do these men live that it is considered OK to go outside in nothing but your underwear?
  2. Is there any way I can purchase the house next door?  What if I agree to pay double the asking price?
  3. Do Kyle and Davey always walk around shirtless in undies every day, or just when they’re working out?  Is this how they dress for every workout, or did they undress just this one time?
  4. What brand of underwear is Davey wearing and where can I get some of those?
  5. What happens next in this bizarre little behind-the-scenes video?

Kyle asks if he can referee the match, which Davey agrees to arrange.  Now Kyle is satisfied that he will have a role in the upcoming show as the ref, and Davey is satisfied that Kyle will be there supporting him.  The rift in their homo-social relationship is repaired, so the two men work out together, happily bouncing on the trampoline (in their underwear) in harmony.

The scene becomes even more strange and inexplicable when two more men ride across the yard on bicycles — one wearing a jock strap and one in underwear identical to Davey’s:

I believe the man in the jockstrap who falls off his yellow bike is indy wrestler Darren Dean and the other bike rider is Aaron Solo.  They are members of “Team Ambition” — Davey Richards’ stable of dedicated young wrestling hopefuls.  Apparently, clothing is optional at the Team Ambition training sessions…

Here are Aaron Solo and Darren Dean wrestling as a Tag Team in this YouTube clip.

Solo and Dean are playing the cocky, trash-talking Bastards in this match, double-teaming the handsome young local hero.

Given that Team Ambition are accustomed to training in their briefs, I wonder if they feel over-dressed and constrained in wrestling trunks…

Meanwhile, Davey and Kyle soon finish their brief workout and jump off the trampoline.  They walk off into the sunset together, arms around shoulders like a couple.  I have many more questions about what is happening in this backyard in addition to the five questions listed above, but I think this YouTube video is meant to raise more questions than it answers.

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5 Responses to Brief Workout

  1. It does appear that our fantasies are beginning to escape into the real world, doesn’t it?

  2. Bruno says:

    What a strange video. It almost looks like the set-up to a porn video. Surely the homoeroticism of this scripted situation did not escape its participants, did it?

  3. Stay Puft says:

    Dear Davey,

    Please use that as your new ring gear.

    ‘Kay thanks bye.
    Stay Puft

  4. Mikey says:

    This an absurd- but hot- video. WTF? I love Davey. Wish he were barefoot. My weirdo Davey fantasy video is to see him get an intense Thai Yoga Massage.

  5. RayAtL says:

    Wow … just wow … thanks for reporting on this, Arsenal… because I just don’t have words for it