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Cobra Clutch

The "cobra clutch" is a variation of the sleeper, where you grab the opponent's wrist, pressing that hand against his neck, then hook your other arm under his armpit and press that forearm against the other side of his neck.  The Japanese fans cheer as the asian wrestler puts out his fat American opponent.

Probably the most famous user of this hold was Ted DiBiase.  He called it the "Million Dollar Dream", and he loved to whip his victim's around once he got it locked on.

This bald daddy is finished toying with this jobber.  He locks on the Cobra Clutch and cinches in the pressure as the young opponent struggles violently.
Gradually, the kid slows down his movements, growing weaker, unable to struggle.  The concerned ref watches the young man fall into a deep sleep.
Finally the victim collapses to the mat, unable to stay on his feet as his body continues to go limp.  The bald man keeps that tight pressure applied the whole time.

Here is a description from an old instructional book.  I guess they didn't call it the "Cobra Clutch" until later.

Now they called it the "strangle hold and arm lock."  The ref keeps a very close eye on the handsome young victim, watching his face relax and his eyes roll back as he falls into a deep sleep.
The muscular hunk in green is named Chase Tatum.  Who could resist locking that powerful body in a tight Cobra Clutch to put the muscle hunk away??

Sam Houston, the young man in the skimpy blue briefs, finds himself locked into the deadly Cobra Clutch of his devious opponent.
Wow, young Houston is out on his feet, his beefy body on display as he sags against his opponent like a wet noodle.

Even the powerful Patriot, in his star spangled gear, can't escape this deadly hold.  The sadistic bad guy patiently waits for the muscle man to collapse.
It doesn't take long until the masked man is flat on his back.  His big muscles are worthless now!

Here are some hairy real men from the golden age of wrestling.  The victim looks frightened as he feels his opponent's strong arms clamp around his neck like a boa constrictor.