Bonus: America's Most Wanted -  Part2
Last week, the baldies had tortured this young cowboy, James Storm, with repeated hair pulling and double teaming.  Then Low-Ki placed the man's throat on the middle rope, nice and close to his partner Christopher Daniels.

Meanwhile, Storm's partner Chris Harris, is forced to watch this blatant cheating from the far corner.
This is outrageous! Christopher Daniels clamps on a figure 4 headscissor rope-choke, using his legs to strangle Cowboy James Storm on the middle rope! He presses his package into the cowboy's face and bounces up and down.  Daniels is not the legal man, but the ref is distracted yet again!
Daniels grinds and pumps his hips to strangle the Cowboy on the ring rope.  He grunts and groans to tease the humiliated Cowboy:  "I've been aching to do this to somebody for weeks!"
This is disgusting!  Daniels  thrusts his hips violently, humping the poor dude's face, up and down as if he is forcing Storm to blow him.  The Cowboy, meanwhile, is being strangled on the ropes, gasping for air with his face in the other man's crotch!
Now Low-Ki whips Storm across the ring by the hair, and kicks him in the lower back.  Why are the cute little guys always the most vicious?? Storm reaches for a desperate tag, but his partner is miles away.
Low-Ki holds the Cowboy by the hair and tags in his partner with the buns of steel:  Christopher Daniels. They stand with their groins near the beaten man's face.
Nice bicep on Daniels as he headlocks the cowboy in the bikini trunks.  Is that a choke hold??  Probably, knowing this ruthless cheater!
He flashes an evil grin and flexes his muscles, using his rock hard bicep to choke his victim.  The cowboy is growing weak from all this choking.
Oh no, this young man can't take any more.  He drifts off to sleep in Daniel's tight headlock.
The fans are concerned about this hot young cowboy. "Wake up, Storm!"  They cheer for him to escape this bully's choke hold.  They want these cheaters to pay for all their dirty tactics!
Storm has broken free only to face more double teaming.  His arms are held in a full nelson as Daniels prepares to clothesline him.
SMACK!  The Cowboy ducks out of the way causing Daniels to nail his own partner!  That will teach these baldies to cheat.
Thanks to that mistake by the baldies, Storm is able to tag in the big man, "Wildcat" Chris Harris, who looks pissed off, ready to take revenge on the two cheaters.
The Wildcat slaps a Sharp Shooter on Chris Daniels, bending his spine to the breaking point.  The bully is now paying the price for all his dirty cheating!
Harris rocks back hard, torturing his victim with the deadly Sharp Shooter.  "How does it feel punk?  This is for when you pulled my partner's hair!  And THIS is for when you double teamed him.  AND THIS is for choking him on the ropes with your legs!  I should break your back for that, you dirty bastard?"
There is no escape for the bald bully.  He reaches for the ropes, but they are miles away.  His spine is ready to snap.  Harris, meanwhile, orders him to "apologize to my partner for humiliating him!"
Daniels can't take any more.  He slaps the mat and screams his submission.  "I GIVE!  I GIVE!  OK, I'm sorry for humiliating your partner, I was just playing around!  SORRY SORRY!"

Once again, good wins over evil, justice prevails in Pro Wrestling, and the fans go home happy.