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Pro Wrestling Cartoon

 ** I hired an artist to create images of a Tag Team match.

 ** He is a talented professional so I paid him for his time.
 ** I'm asking $10 to download the 28 image cartoon, so I can recover my costs.

 ** If I recover what I spent, I'll commission more wrestling artwork.

 ** E-mail me to tell me what you think and whether you like wrestling comics.


* Zip file
* Slide-show
* 28 images
* 3.3 MB
* $10 to buy

Match #1  ($10)
The Olympians vs. The Bail-Jumpers

Peter and his partner Apollo are proud to be Tag Team Champs. Their sadistic opponents will stop at nothing to strip the young pretty-boys of their belts. There is no limit to the ruthless tactics the cheaters will employ to win!
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